The color wheel is based a wheel with pie pieces of the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. (Sometime there are in between colours such as red-orange and green-blue) the primary colours are red, yellow and blue; they make a triangle on the wheel. The secondary colors are orange, green, and purple; they make an upside down triangle on the wheel. Each colour that is opposite, is directly below it such as red and green, orange and blue, and yellow and purple.
Orange,Green, and Purple are the secondary colours.
The colors across from each other on the colour wheel are complimentary colours Red and Green,Orange and Blue,and Yellow and Purple, they are called complimentary because they make the other colour stand out.
The colors across from each other on the colour wheel are complimentary colours Red and Green,Orange and Blue,and Yellow and Purple, they are called complimentary because they make the other colour stand out.
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